Culitos Rosarionos Argentina

Posted by: centralito

May 7, 2013

Recent Comments for Culitos Rosarionos Argentina (14)
  • No nudity = Waste time, lose money, pound sand, suck wind, dry hustle, bum kicks! EPIC FAIL! Next contestant please!
  • bblhthtzvd, If your pussy feels like it is "in fire" you could have the Monkey Pox! Go to the free clinic. Get medical treatment! Now!
  • sadasd was 100% correct when he wrote: "shit. what a waste of my time and bandwidth. I can see more skin in the Sears Lingerie catalog!! And huskyboy, it's about NUDE voyeurism, not the swimsuit ; Crude, yes, but 100% correct.
  • Seriously whats with all the bruised assess. looks like a bunch of crack hoars.
  • Your . is getting worse. Give up
  • Poor UN, why does he keeping looking at your posts, when they appear to upset him so; what a numbskull.
  • Continue to post these type of photos; unfortunately your critics appear to be rather intellectually challenged.
  • The difference between ignorance and stup*dity is that ignorance can be fixed. Why would you do this a second time after the comments you received yesterday?
  • Argentina, here I come... have camera will travel!
  • Nice asses but you have to tell them to flash
  • Hey Husky Boy, is that a nickname for Pfaat Fuck!
  • Mommy is looking for you. Time for your ride on the Short Bus!
  • Waste of time


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