Eye Poppin Beach at Costa del Sol 2013 #2

Posted by: The Eye Popper Guy

Dec 17, 2013

Does anyone else find it surprising that out of 630,000 people who viewed my last post, only 5 took me up on the suggestion to let me know which girls you wanted to see more of? That's less than 1 in 100,000! Anyway, I listened to those few voices and have posted more of one of the co-champions, with 3 votes. I'm afraid I don't have more of the other co-champion, picture #9. She noticed me right away and was reaching for her top in the picture that I posted. There's still time for your voice to be heard, if you want to look back at my last post (November 18) and give your opinion.

Recent Comments for Eye Poppin Beach at Costa del Sol 2013 #2 (41)
  • she looks unhappy...
  • Didn't notice your request in your 11/18 post, but the choice for the additional pics was a good one! Thanks for sharing more of her with us!!
  • great pictures!!!!
  • Super hott! Would love to tap that arse!
  • wow, smoking hot!
  • Wonderfull lady!
  • Very, very nice. Please show more of #10 from your previous contri.
  • She is an idiot for allowing an entire beach to see her tits and her 90% nudity, and then objecting to a guy photographing her. Ridiculous!
  • Since you complaining: I love every slim girl with firm boobs! Thanks
  • The Laws are the same in the US as they are in Europe. A Person does not have a reasonable expectation of privacy when on a public beach whether nude or not. If you want privacy, stay home. That is the law.
  • Mad fags? Re:all4amg You know what you'd be the one paying the price if if that was my girl and my kid being harassed by some newb with a camera. Do you even know the definition of "Voyeur"? Duumb Azz!
  • You can still get to my NOVEMBER 18 POST by clicking on "Last Month's Winner's" on the left side, then choosing "What I Saw." Mine is shown as #16. Thanks for all (or most, anyway) of your comments.
  • i think there are some mad fags on here! Great pics. If ya wanna go nude, thats the price to pay. maybe they dont care.
  • You are typical of MORONIC, LOW-CLASS assholes who invade people's privacy, make them uncomfortable and don't have the skill to be more subtle in your acquisition of photos. This lady is clearly disturbed and anxious about your clumsy, newb instrusion AND you have trespassed in the area of photographing children with the subject when the mother and child are both upset. If I was associated with that family I would forcibly take your camera from you and break it. I might get my ass beaten (cause you might be a fighter) but yuo would suffer and your equipment would be compromised. rate poor an reported, douche-bag.
  • Put them all, mate..


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