for Commercial SPAMMERS like cali9inches (also poses as westcoast9, caliLA and totoo). SAME comment on every post here for the last year. From one contributor to another, Beware!
for Commercial SPAMMERS like hardnrockin (also poses as california9, westcoast9 and totoo). Same comment everywhere. From one contributor to another, beware.
SUPERB all the way A Magnificent Golden Goddess I would love to take you in my arms and cover every inch of your magnificent, perfect, naked body with passionate hot wet kisses Michael michaelpatrick55@
Mmmm, would love to spend a few hours pleasuring every inch of your incredible body with my fingers, tongue and cock til you came several times and passed out from exhaustion. Feel free to send more pics to hardnrockin@, I'll tribute them and email back.
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Posted by: savagex