Nudist On Boat

Posted by: Varius

Aug 1, 2014

Italian nudist

Recent Comments for Nudist On Boat (12)
  • I do love classy mature women like this one. They are special in bed.
  • You know, "sucksdickbiggershaft," a guy who decides to make his moniker a tribute to penis really shouldn't go around insulting anyone. Most of us make up a moniker based upon what's on our mind at the time . . . and what was obviously on YOUR mind was cock. Says a lot about your personality and sexuality. Have to get you, "cumpump" and "fingers" together . . . maybe you three will be too busy diddling each other to abuse women here.
  • beach whale
  • Behave "fingers", you'll get danny upset and cause him to "stroke" ONLY LMAO, nah, he 'strokes' it now to "srchef" probably...
  • And, again, "tutu," if you actually READ my posts (or in your case, if you could actually read at all), you'd see many compliments within my retorts. But the sad fact remains this; you continually come after me for bashing the bashers, but you have NO problem whatsoever with the clods making rude, abusive and even racist comments on these boards; thus showing your absolute lack of character. As to you, "fingers," your a f@gotta.
  • Hey Daninhbg, The Douche Bag. Try something new and make a positive comment for once in your sorry life. Oh thats Right You Prefer Men. Just Another Sorry Excuse For A Human Being. Definetly A Half Glass Is Empty Person.
  • Yep, she's a pigotta.
  • Don't worry about what "Pigchief," "cumpump," and "Boner49" have to say . . . as you will note, none of them HAVE women . . . and in the case of "cumpump," WANTS women.
  • Nice boat!
  • it''' BLOB!
  • "lA Pig" in rge boats !G is
  • Wow fantastic photos... I am a photographer erotic naked contact me.. contatti@


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